* i guess that's why girls suka baca column zodiac kat mags peh tu pi pecaya pulak walopon kat mulut cakap tak leh pecaya ni.sheeeppp...
1. fb status of my friend there...(quoted herself or shee took it from sumwhere else...nvm). it goes like this...
"Sometimes we expect more from others. Simply because, we would be willing to do that much for them."
weh...statement ni sangat true i tell you.well at least for me(see...see...dah mula nak apply dah ni).i expect certain people to pay attention to me...sebab aku lebih dari sudi nak buat benda yang sama.aku sanggup nangis dengan kamu bila kamu mahu (sebab aku perasan caring) tapi bila aku nangis, aku kena duduk depan laptop sorang² sambil YM kawan² untuk cerita gosip terbaru.fuhh mencabar...
2. aku amik dari blog zana...heee mintak izin noh...
" love is a chapter in a man's life, but a whole book in a woman's life"
aku rasa sebab tu lah ada buku bertajuk Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. simply because man and woman have different perspectives of aspects of life...hanya dari perbezaan cara kita lihat and perceive sesuatu benda tu lah, perkahwinan berlaku...dan perceraian berlaku.pendapat aku macam tu la...
3. "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."
jadi kawan², mari mengaku pelik bersama aku.hey, we call it love rite? riteee....
half me, half cat, half house
p/s : antara benda yang comel dalam dunia...bunyi makan 'nom...nom..nom..nom' dalam cafe world
ade org mode becintalaaaaaaaaa
akhirnya, ada jugak yang mengusik jiwa mu di blogku~
(apakah ayat ini??!!)
ps: tp ak ske gile kot bunyi nom nom nom tu.. chomei gila!!
pasni jom makan bunyi camtuh weyh!!
jiwang mode : ON.until now.hahah
x reti zana oi nak makan bunyi nom nom nom
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